The Covid-19 pandemic situation has affected the lives of man in ways we never imagined. While spending maximum time indoors with even the work from home concept evolving like never before, attention has been dragged towards reforming our homes. Additionally, with ample of antimicrobial paint choices in the market, people are painting their homes as a safety measure during the pandemic.

However, painting homes is a task that asks for professional advice and assistance. During the pandemic, to pull off something like that might be a tough call. With the increased demands of safety and hygiene maintenance, painting your home can be difficult. With this arises the question, how to safely paint your home during the pandemic?

The pandemic is showing no signs to leave our lives any sooner, and people are adapting to this new normal. Various businesses have got back on track of serving their customers. One such industry is the painting industry. Experts in the field like Nippon Paint have come up with measures allowing you to paint your homes with maximum safety with the Nippon Paint PRO Store and Professional Painting Services. With their wide range of antibacterial paint offerings, customers have begun beautifying their homes all over again.

There are strict protocols followed for both, the customers and the professionals, such that smooth business is carried on with no hassles. Safety for all is the new work protocol that professionals are adapting.

Precautions of Safe Painting taken by the professionals

⦁ Usage of antimicrobial and anti-bacterial paint has hiked up during these pandemic times owing to safety and hygiene.

⦁ The dust-free painting technique is used for wall paint that not just demands a lesser number of painters but also offers a smooth, and shiny surface.

⦁ The painters are all well-equipped before entering the house. They are well-equipped with body-suits, and a supervisor manages everything seamlessly.

⦁ Once done, the painters disinfect the entire space and remove all debris such that there are negligible chances of transmission or contamination.

Safety measures you should follow before a scheduled paint session

⦁ If you or any other family member tests COVID positive or develops symptoms consistent with the virus, or even has come in contact with another person suffering from Covid-19, make sure to reschedule the paint session. Once all the individuals are safe and healthy, you can set up a new date

⦁ If any of the residents is an elderly or someone with a medical condition, it is advised to consult a doctor before scheduling a paint session. You can also have them shifted to another place temporarily, if possible.

⦁ Feel free to have as many consultation sessions with the painting experts of your hired professionals as you desire. They would guide you on how the services would be proper and safe during these pandemic days.

⦁ Plan to have one room painted at a time such that the environment is safe for both, the painter as well and your family members. Nippon paint offers various such wall paint choices that dry out quickly with no odor allowing you immediate occupancy.

Safety measures you should follow during the visit

  • Track the body temperature of every painter that enters your house.
  • Do not let anyone in whose temperature shows up different than normal, or they show any other symptoms of Covid-19.
  • Do not physically greet anyone.
  • Make sure everyone around, including the painters as well as your family members, is wearing a mask throughout.
  • Have a minimum conversation, and make sure to maintain a distance of 6 feet during all times.
  • Make sure the painting space is not occupied and maximize ventilation.
  • Safety measures you should follow after the visit
  • To opt for the contactless payment option is the best during this pandemic time.
  • While the professional painters would clean the entire painted space and also disinfect it after the task is done, you can follow up to disinfect the spaces once again, just to be double sure.

What seemed difficult earlier is now being eased out by proper planning and precautions. Renovating homes and wall paint problems are no more an issue with the help and guidance of experts. If you’re looking to beautify your home this festive season, wait no more, as no virus should be a barrier to your dream home.

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